How can you decide which cat sitter is the best for your cat

When vacations are round the corner, preparations to move down the hill are obvious. It can be a small visit to your mom’s place, or a friend’s party or anything where you can spend some time a quality time alone or with your spouse. But the most unfortunate part about this whole vacation time is that you cannot take your feline friend with you. As usual, you cannot rely on your neighbor who does not know even a bit about your cat, or a friend who is reliable but does not like watching on your cat. Here, you have left with only one option; work out with an outside cat sitter. But then another question arise here, how do you know the sitter is the one you looking for and can provide you with proper service?

Here are some tips which can be helpful to make a choice for your cat and a new cat sitter.

1. Call cat sitting service providers and ask for a cat sitter within the given budget.

2. A big smile is not a big reliable reference. When you are looking for cat sitter and you find one, check on the reference very carefully. Don’t rely on glowing endorsements; you will be shock to know that they are sitter’s folks supporting her/him from back.

3. To check on the sitter you have decided, call upon any animal protection organization thirty miles from your house and check if anyone has logged a complaint against the sitter.

4. Meet the cat sitter in advance to make sure you have decided right. Shoot questions about cat and cat related. One thing can be for sure, wrong answers, wrong sitter

5. Sign in a contract but not the one which exempts the sitter from liability for kitty illness, accident or death.

6. Confirm with the sitter if she will be able to drop in every day no matter where you are.

7.  Exchange telephone number and ask your neighbors to check if your cat sitter is coming home on regular basis at least every two days.

8. Leave water bowls in almost every room so that your cat does not get struck in dehydration is there is no power home.

9. Worry! This can help you think of other precautions.


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